Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jesus' Baptism

Well Happy New Year and I pray that you had a blessed Christmas! Sorry I haven't shared a more recent blog post until now but it's been a little busy.

This week we look at Jesus' baptism by John. We read about this in Matthew 3: 13-17.

When you think of baptism, what comes to mind? Salvation, forgiveness, gift of the Holy Spirit? All of these are true, and these are wonderful things that God does for us when we accept His gift of love by our faith and repentance.

As we read in Matthew 3 we find this odd story about baptism. I mean here you have John the Baptist down at the Jordan river preaching and baptizing people for the forgiveness of their sins. John was sent to prepare the way for Jesus by preparing people's hearts for Jesus' ministry. He was pretty straight forward and came right out and said "Hey, y'all sinners and you need to repent of your sins."

He had all kinds of different people coming to him to be baptized. Everyone from tax collectors to soldiers, even Sadducee's and Pharisee's came to be baptized. While he's there in the river he see's Jesus coming toward him. John recognized him because this was his cousin Jesus. "The Lord", the One that John was to prepare the way for. Jesus comes to him and requests to be baptized by John. John didn't know what to do, his first response is "I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?" This isn't what he was expecting at all.

But Jesus responds, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Matthew 3:15. In other words, Jesus is telling John: "This is what you were sent to do. This is the fulfillment of your mission.”

You see, there was something inherent in John baptizing Jesus that “prepared the way for Jesus.” But John was confused. His baptism was for the “forgiveness of sins.” Why wouldn’t John think Jesus needed baptized? That’s right. Jesus was the Son of God. He had no sin to be repented of!

So, why would Jesus need to be baptized by John? Well… Jesus’ baptism by John was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Mark 1:1 starts out: “The BEGINNING of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” and then Mark starts telling us about Jesus’ baptism by John. In Luke 3:23 we’re told of Jesus’ baptism by John and then we read: “Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he BEGAN HIS MINISTRY…”

Obviously, for some reason, Jesus’ ministry began with His baptism.

Now, at this point in Jewish history, water baptism served one of 3 purposes. The first being the baptism of repentance, the second was to be converted to Judaism. Jesus didn't need to be baptized for either of these reasons. However the third reason was the Law dictated that priests, especially the High Priest was to be “washed with water.” This was the reason for Jesus' baptism.

Some outside of the Christian faith may see baptism as just a ritual, but to God this is more than just a ritual. To show that it was more than just a ritual Jesus was baptized by John.

When we are baptized into Christ we put Him on like a garment. So that when you stand before God at judgment day… He’s not looking at you, He’s looking for that image of His Son who died for you. He is your covering of righteousness before God’s throne.

In baptism we are buried with Jesus into death. Your past is buried and forgotten. Your past sins will never rise from that grave again. But more than that, you rise up from that watery grave to a new life. You’re reborn in Christ. But more than that… just as you didn’t stay in that watery grave, baptism is God’s promise that when we die, the earthly grave will NOT hold us. We will rise from the grave to live for eternity!!!

This is not JUST a ritual… it is a SACRED ceremony.

And just as God honored Jesus by having the Holy Spirit descend upon Him at the Jordan – when we’re baptized into Christ, we receive His Holy Spirit as well.

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