Monday, December 12, 2016

What We Can Learn From the Shepherds

The shepherds were changed forever by what they saw and you can be as well if you follow their example:

• Be attentive to what God has called you to do
• Be awed by God’s message to you
• Accept the gift of good news
• Act on what you know to be true
• Adore Emmanuel 24/7

Jesus was born to the whole world but He was born “to you.”
God declares that Jesus was born to YOU!

Christmas is real history but it must become your story.
Luke 2:11: "This very day in King David’s hometown a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord."

After they saw baby Jesus, the shepherds went back to their same boring jobs but they weren’t the same on the inside. They returned to where they started and were attentive again. After Christmas we have to go back to the same routine but now we can do so with rejoicing. We are to rejoice right where we are. Yes, it’s possible to have joy in our jobs even if they’re not so fabulous.

Look at Luke 2:20:
“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” 

They don’t just wonder about what they saw, they worship Him who they saw. A clear evidence of conversion is always adoration. When a person is genuinely converted he or she will praise God.

Allow yourself this Advent Season to adore Emmanuel as you glorify and praise Him for all you have seen and heard.You can return to the same place tomorrow but not as the same person.

Do you want to take on the role of the shepherds?

• Is He “Savior” to you?
• Is He “Christ” to you?
• Is He “Lord” to you?


  1. I am really enjoying the site on line. Praying I can attend church soon and be able to sit in the pew stretching out my left leg to keep the hematoma not so uncomfortable. My leg injury is getting better. My bronchitus is still hanging on. Ive got new antibiotics to make me not contagious. Stan wont be attending with me but wants to thank all those who pray for him.

  2. I am really enjoying the site on line. Praying I can attend church soon and be able to sit in the pew stretching out my left leg to keep the hematoma not so uncomfortable. My leg injury is getting better. My bronchitus is still hanging on. Ive got new antibiotics to make me not contagious. Stan wont be attending with me but wants to thank all those who pray for him.

  3. You are missed and we will absolutely continue to lift both Stan and yourself up in prayer. Rest up, heal and God bless!
